organic coffee

Interview with an ApuLinli Coffee Manufacturer: The Story of Origins

Get a closer look to the story of the manufacturer of our organic coffee.

Unveiling the Essence of Single-Origin Coffee

ApuLinli Coffee is an organic single origin coffee. But, what does a single origin coffee mean anyways? 

Single origin coffee refers to coffee beans sourced from a single geographic location, such as a specific farm, estate, or region within a country. This distinct designation allows for a direct connection to the land, showcasing the unique flavors and characteristics influenced by factors like altitude, soil, and climate. 

organic coffee

By highlighting a singular origin, single origin coffee offers transparency, authenticity, and a deeper appreciation for the craftsmanship of the coffee producers behind it.

Today, we are talking to our coffee manufacturer. 

The Lorotupa family, who has been harvesting this coffee for years, passing the secrets and techniques on for 3 generations. 

Dive in to learn more.

Tell us a little about the history of your family's coffee business. How did it all begin?

Our grandfather, with Quechua roots, settled in the micro basin of Tunquimayo because of its incredible microclimate. For an Andean migrant, being in this temperate zone was the best: the heat was less intense, the biodiversity was even greater. 

Years before the agrarian reform, approximately in the 1920s, the passion for cultivating coffee began and with the typical variety, for which it was always necessary to adapt to the care and conservation of natural resources.

According to the logic and traditions of the Andean people, man-nature relationship is of great importance, and therefore, respecting nature “Pachamama” was essential. 

We inherited all that knowledge, techniques and skills in coffee cultivation. We are the third generation in coffee cultivation and what we want is to maintain the origin of coffee recognizing its historical value in the territory, valuing biodiversity and articulating production with the direct consumer who also values ​​the coffee grower for his dedication, for being ecological and making possible a specialty coffee with an authentic origin.

What does "organic" mean for your family business and how does your family ensure that your coffee production remains sustainable and environmentally friendly?

For us, organic means developing coffee from the nursery, preserving its plantation and processes without any intervention of chemicals that affect the environment, the coffee grower and the consumer.

It will always be sustainable because the fertilizers are of organic origin, the coffee pulp becomes fertilizer for the plantations, etc. In addition, biodiversity is taken care of when we let native plants grow on the farm, animals or wild birds are not hunted, we take care of them. Living with nature for us is guaranteeing its sustainability.

What sets your coffee apart from others on the market?

Its origin, which is reflected in the cup, that aroma, fragrance, etc. The cup of coffee reflects history, care for biodiversity, a specialized process in its selection, roasting and always valuing the coffee grower and the direct consumer.

Can you describe how the flavors and characteristics of coffee are formed and how they reflect the terroir of the region?

First, always the biodiversity, and this is thanks to the climate, the physiography, the farm located in an area of ​​cloud forests at almost 2000 meters above sea level. It is vital.

Second, the know-how to cultivate and the origin of the seeds, which are quite old in the territory. Coffee grows under the shadows of native plants and tree species such as pacay that allow slow development of the plantation and also the coffee tree so that later we can develop selective harvesting. 

coffee lovers

Third, the pulping process, its fermentation currently lasts 72 hours anaerobically in exclusive containers, the process that is washing and drying also in special environments and finally storage; then the roasting and its respective evaluation by specialists. 

Our organic coffee coffee is the combination of biodiversity, the coffee grower and the appreciation of specialists throughout the process.

What is your favorite step in coffee processing?

When there is passion, we think all the processes. But, we who have grown up on farms, believe it is being on the farm selectively harvesting amidst the chirping of birds, enjoying the first rays of the sun and seeing other happy farmers developing selective harvesting.

What is the annual harvest in kilograms?

Annually we harvest approximately 2000 kilos of organic arabica beans. 

How many coffee trees do you grow?

There are approximately 3 hectares of cultivated areas.


As we conclude our exploration, we would like to express gratitude to the Lorotupa family for producing this coffee product with love and care, and for taking time to make this interview and come a step closer to the final consumer. 

As an official distributor, ApuLinli Coffee is proud to be bringing this single origin coffee onto the national and international markets. With a powerful product and story behind it, ApuLinli Organic Coffee offers transparency and authenticity, providing consumers with a direct connection to the land and the coffee producers responsible for its cultivation.

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